AUM Management Professional Services

In order to offer a complete corporate management solution it is necessary to go beyond purchasing good products, it is fundamental that they are correctly implemented and customized so that results can be achieved and all the benefits reaped, both right away and long term,at the corporations where they are installed.

Many products are available today in the market, from a number of software companies, and making use of a wide variety of technologies. Some of those products actually never take off, becoming solely part of press releases from their software companies. Some othe products do not offer the necessary quality and reliability to manage mission critical environments at company sites (lack of quality implementation, product flaws, lack of version compatibility with other products, etc.). Some other products are yet so complex to deploy that it may take them months or years to even get them to become functional...

Today's IT environment requires solutions to prove their value and show their benefits in a short period of time. Long implemetation cycles raise the potential of failure to unacceptable levels (changes in the technology to be managed, human resource turnover risking loss of key technical staff, implementation costs usually become higher than planned being eventually cut back and severely compromising complete solution implementation and project results, etc.).

One of BMC Software solutions major advantage is the speed of implementation, quickly becoming operational and demonstrating desired results.

Besides timing, quality of the implementation services is another aspect of fundamental importance to guarantee the solutions will really bring long lasting benefits to the corporations. After implementation time, periodically reviewing installations will help maximize the solution benefits over time.

As a BMC Software partner, AUM Management offers a wide range of services that cover all the necessary aspects of successful solution implementation:

BMC Software Solutions Implementation.
BMC Software Solutions Training.
Periodic Solution Review at client site.
Resident Consultant.
Specialized Technical Consulting.

BMC Software Solutions

BMC Software solutions are grouped by areaes of focus as follows:

Enterprise Data Management: database administration, data recovery and database performance.
Enterprise Systems Management: infrastructure and application management, service level management.
Enterprise Applications Management: ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM (customer relationship management) application management.
Storage Management: SAN (storage area network), NAS (network attached storag) and DAS (direct attached storage) storage device management.
Security Management: security management and administration.

For additional information please visit the BMC Software website.

BMC Software Solutions Implementation

AUM Management offers a complete portfolio of professional services to install, customize and implement BMC Software solutions, as well as integrating them to the client production environment. These services are executed by highly specialized and trained consultants, supervised by experienced project managers, using proven methodology. Our consultants do have production level experience in the use of our solutions.

Implementing solutions with professional consultants have enormous advantages, as reduced implementation time, reduced time to reach production, optimization of client technical resources, most appropriate architectural decisions, reduce total cost of implementation, better ROI, better qualification of client staff due to participation of highly skilled professionals, and finally the best use of solution functionality.

The final result of a successful implementation is not just a smooth installation and a set of products working according to specifications in production mode. It is imperative that the deployed solution shows practical results, and the benefits achieved are visible in the form of management reports, correction procedures that avoid infrastrucutre exposure, etc. It has to be a powerful tool that enables the client technical staff maximize its time and knowledge, continuously improving the information technology group service levels to their internal or external clients and users.


BMC Software Solutions Training

AUM Management is capable of providing specialized training programs aiming at qualifying client technical staff for use and administration of BMC Software solutions. Training can be provided for closed groups in exclusive sessions or at AUM Management training facilities at our offices located in downtown Rio de Janeiro.


Periodic Solution Review at client site

AUM Management offers, besides implementation services, a periodic solution tracking or review. From time to time (based on a pre-agreed upon schedule) AUM will provide an on site check up of the solutions implemented, reviewing current use and results, and creating an action plan to make necessary changes and optimize the use and results of the solutions implemented. This service is usually performed annually or semi-annually (altough different periods of time may be set by the client upon request), demanded by business environment changes, increased environment complexity, implementation of new disciplines to be managed, changes in SLAs, new corporatewide solution implementation (ERP, CRM, web-enabled solutions, etc.).

This type of service also presents additional benefits, as product use optimization, enhanced product use (through the use or new or more sophisticated functionality), continuous staff education and knowledge exchange with our consultants.

These services aim at maximizing the use of purchased products, improving the return on an investment already made.


Resident Consultant

Most companies work today at the high end of their staff capacity. Economic conditions and the continuous and permanent productivity increase requirements, in addition to budget and investment constraints, prevent IT organizations to work at the desired, or sometimes necessary, staff levels. Scarcely available technical resources are demanded to figure out ways to improve use of information technology applied to the corporate business need of increased market competitiveness. On the other hand though, corporate it management, including monitoring, automation and control, cannot be left to a lesser priority. Having installed the best hardware and software is just not enough. Performance issues, non-scheduled interruptions or system failures may prove to be vital to the business, requiring fast and skilled action.

In order to address these needs AUM Management entitles customers to select between full-time and part-time resident consultants, all of them with extensive experience in the full range of BMC solutions and corporate information technology environments. This service is offered for short, medium or long-term, so to complement our clients' technical staff, both for corporate management and production automation, freeing up valuable in-company resources to perform business relatied activities that require full-time comapny employees. This type of service is also particularly appropriate to address technology transfer objectives between the provider of technology and his clients, consequently leading to improved service levels provided to the user community by the information technology group.


Specialized Technical Consulting

It is rather usual to find customers with severely constrained investment budgets, either because budget is already compromised, or maybe the resolution of an issue may be of temporary character, not needing a permanent solution to be installed (for example, due to technology changes, it makes no sense to permanently monitor products that are actually phasing out). Indeed, ensuring continuous availability of such environment remains critical through those times, and a variation from standard solutions is necessary.

That is where this AUM Management offering comes to play, providing specialized technical consulting, even though there may be no products contracted at all.

Some services will demand acquisition of products, and we can use as an example the integration between the solutions Patrol and Control-M, from BMC Software, or the use of these products' databases for management report generation, providing detailed reports on application and infrastructure service levels managed by them.

Other services may temporarily make use of a variable number of products. Performance bottlenecks can be identified through this type of service (from operating systems, networks and databases up to applications), capacity planning and appropriate sizing of hardware resources and server consolidation. These activities require one or more of BMC Software solutions which will be used at the time of service execution, but will not be acquired by the customer.


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